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Hpv and head and neck cancer ppt, Cancerul buzelor - semne, cauze, tratament - Cancer

Just a warning, some of the pictures of the tumors may be unattractive. But for those of us who are visual learners, this might be helpful. The most common locations are in the mouth and parts of the throat called the oropharynx and larynx. Other locations include the sinuses, nasal cavity, salivary glands, and other parts of the throat called the nasopharynx and hypopharynx.

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While evidence for some of them may not be very strong, the risk of developing an oral, pharyngeal or laryngeal cancer increases linearly with tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Numerous studies have concluded that tobacco, which contains carcinogens such as poloniumnitrosamines, and aromatic hydrocarbons, is directly linked to development of carcinomas. More than 90 percent of oropharyngeal cancers are associated with smoking. Alcohol has a strong association with head and neck cancer as well, especially when a user also smokes or chews tobacco.

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Although alcohol itself is not a carcinogen, it promotes the carcinogenicity of tobacco. Various chemicals have been associated with head and neck cancer, including asbestos, chromium, nickel, arsenic and formaldehyde. Whether asbestos is a risk factor for head and neck cancer is controversial. While it is a strong risk factor for lung cancer, some studies have found no increased risk of head and neck cancers among asbestos workers.

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Plummer-Vinson Syndrome is rare, but these patients definitely have a high incidence of hypopharyngeal cancer. Though a cause-and-effect relationship has not been established, Human Papilloma Virus DNA has been isolated from head and neck cancer as well as from cancers of the uterine cervix in females.

For example, hoarseness frequently occurs in the very earliest laryngeal glottic cancers. Up to 80 percent of early oral cancers will demonstrate erythroplasia.

Referred otalgia may accompany a cancer of the larynx, pharynx or oral cavity. Epistaxis, nasal obstruction, and serous analize parazitoza intestinala media can all herald a nasopharyngeal cancer.

TX: Tumora primară nu poate fi evaluată T0: Nu există dovezi ale tumorii primare T1: Tumora este de 2 cm sau mai puțin T2: Tumora este mai mare de 2 cm, dar nu mai mult de 4 cm T3: Tumora este mai mare de 4 cm N Ganglionii limfatici regionali NX: Nodulii limfatici regionali nu pot fi evaluați N0: Nu există metastaze regionale ale ganglionilor limfatici N1: Metastază într-un singur ganglion limfatic de 3 cm sau mai puțin N2: Metastază într-un singur ganglion limfatic, mai mare de 3 cm dar nu mai mult de 6 cm N3: Metastază la un ganglion limfatic mai mare de 6 cm M Metastaze la distanță MX: Prezența metastazelor îndepărtate nu poate fi evaluată M0: Nu există metastaze îndepărtate M1: Metastază la distanță Obiectivele în tratamentul cancerului buzelor sunt: vindecarea cancerului menținerea aspectului și funcției hpv and head and neck cancer ppt prevenirea reapariției cancerului Chirurgia este cel mai frecvent tratat pentru cancerul de buze. În cazul în care cancerul este mai avansat, radioterapia, chimioterapia sau ambele pot fi utilizate pentru a micșora tumora înainte sau după intervenția chirurgicală pentru a reduce riscul de revenire a cancerului. Intervenția chirurgicală Pentru cancerele în stadii incipiente, un chirurg va îndepărta țesutul canceros și o zonă foarte mică de țesut sănătos care înconjoară cancerul.

Early cancer in many sites, e. Although not an early sign, a neck mass may be the first presenting symptom.

Примечательно, что он никогда не встречал недовольных своим образом жизни.

Any high-risk patient with a neck mass should be thoroughly evaluated for a head and neck primary cancer. A non-healing ulcer, dysphagia or a submucosal mass may also serve as warning signs of potential carcinomas. Pot fi asimptomatice mult timp!

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Within these broad categories are many more individual primary sites. As you can see, there are dozens of primary sites covered by the coding, staging, multiple primary and histology rules for head and neck.

Bolile faringelui | Health Sciences | Wellness

But many of the sites can be grouped together because of location and behavior. After we get through all of those, we will discuss the location and issues about regional lymph nodes.

We are not required to abstract skin tumors of the lip. That includes codes to and in that group are squamous and basal cell carcinomas. Basal cell tumors are considered skin cancers and would be site coded to C44 skin and not reportable.

Squamous cell cancers can be found on the skin OR the vermilion surface, so you will need to read the operative note carefully to decide if the tumor should be coded Hpv and head and neck cancer ppt vs C Per SEER Inquiry System, review the operative and pathology reports, and the physical exam for mention of "mucosal surface" reportable or "skin" not reportable.

Он все время пытался создать впечатление, что не видит ничего плохого в том, что совершил, и что за свои открытия он, скорее, надеется получить похвалу, а не порицание. Это была самая лучшая из всех возможных тактик, ибо она заранее обезоруживала возможных критиков.

Кроме того, она до некоторой степени возлагала всю вину на скрывшегося Хедрона. Слушателям было ясно, что сам Олвин -- существо слишком уж юное -- не мог усмотреть в том, что он совершает, какой-то опасности. Шуту же, напротив, следовало бы отдавать себе отчет в том что он действует исключительно безответственно.

Cancer of the Head and Neck, 4th edition. China and India have much higher frequencies of tongue cancer more than 28,but they also have a larger population more than 1 billion people compared to our million.

Bolile faringelui

When you compare the United States to countries our size, the rates seem equivalent. France and Hungary have a higher rate; Mexico and Japan have a lower rate for unknown reasons. The base of tongue has a different code and is included in another site group oropharynx. The tip is the part that comes out of the mouth first.

Presentation on theme: "Tumorile cerebrale."— Presentation transcript:

The frenulum linguae is the mucous membrane on the ventral surface, midline, that anchors the tongue to the floor of mouth. There are other frenulums within the body; they are small folds of tissue that restrict or secure a mobile part and can be found in the lower lip, brain, vulva, and penis. Usually when we think of frenulum, we are thinking of the one under the tongue. Histology is usually some type of squamous cell including keratinizing squamous cell.

There can also be other types such as sarcomas, Kaposi, etc. Next, we move into the pharynx.

Congres National ORL - Program Preliminar 2018

This is a very confusing part of the anatomy. The function of the nasopharynx is to conduct air breathed in through the nose down to the rest of the pharynx and to channel mucus produced by the membranes within the nose down the throat. Symptoms include a lump in throat, nosebleeds, or earache.

Cancerul limfatic se transmite larynx not only serves as an air passage, it aids in phonation creating soundsand also acts as a sphincter to guard the airway. Larynx cancers have similar ratios to other head and neck cancers that vary by sex and race: that is, more common in males and in African Americans 1.

hpv and head and neck cancer ppt

Reference: 1. Larynx Cancer: Who is at risk for larynx cancer? The paranasal sinuses are air spaces within bone and are lined with squamous epithelium. They also allow the air to get to a temperature the rest of our body can use. The maxillary sinus is the largest paranasal sinus.

It is intimately related to the upper teeth, tear ducts, and the floor of the orbital cavity. The maxillary sinus must pump mucous uphill to reach the sinus opening that is at the top. The ostium opening for the maxillary sinus is actually the size of the head of a pin. The ethmoid sinuses drain into the superior meatus and middle meatus of the nasal cavity. One percent are in the other sinuses, including frontal and sphenoid; because they are so rare, they are not included in AJCC Staging.

Eighty percent of sinus tumors are squamous cell cancers, although you can also have adenocarcinomas, lymphomas, and melanomas in the sinuses. Lymphomas are divided into T-cell category more common in Asia and South America versus B-cell category more common in Western studies according to the International Hpv and head and neck cancer ppt for Research on Cancer.

Cancer in these sites is associated with exposures to chemicals and metals per the Physicians Data Query from the National Cancer Institute. The glands release the saliva through ducts found in the cheeks and floor of the mouth. The three major salivary glands are the pairs of sublingual, submaxillary, and parotid glands.

The thyroid hpv and head and neck cancer ppt the largest gland in the neck.

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  2. Congres National ORL - Program Preliminar
  3. Tumorile cerebrale. - ppt download
  4. Cancerul buzelor - semne, cauze, tratament - Cancer
  5. Human papillomavirus in tamil
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Ninety-five percent of thyroid nodules are benign. The thyroid requires iodine to create T3 and T4 hormones. Most Americans use iodized salt, which lessens the risk of goiters 1.

hpv and head and neck cancer ppt

There are female to male incidence in thyroid cancer per the American Cancer Society. In Hashimoto's thyroiditis, a goiter thyroid gland enlargement is caused by an accumulation hpv and head and neck cancer ppt white blood cells and fluid inflammation in the thyroid gland. This leads to destruction of the thyroid cells and, eventually, to thyroid failure hypothyroidism.

As the gland is destroyed, thyroid hpv and head and neck cancer ppt production decreases; as a result, TSH increases, making the goiter even larger. Shomon, M Iodine and the Thyroid. Pure follicular cancers are more rare and include Hurthle cell tumors in this category.

Cancerul buzelor

Hurthle cells oxyphilic are slightly bigger than follicular cells and polygon-shaped under the microscope. They can be found in other organs such as the salivary gland, parathyroid gland, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, trachea, kidney, pituitary, and liver. This is not the same as medullary breast cancer.

The C-cells in the thyroid secrete calcitonin, which is necessary to metabolize calcium and phosphorus. Anaplastic is the most aggressive thyroid cancer, but luckily is very rare.

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Anaplastic cancer is aggressive locally and grows so fast the patient usually needs a tracheostomy shortly after diagnosis while treatment decisions are made, according to the American Cancer Society.