Traducerea «HPV» în 25 de limbi

Human papillomavirus prevention methods, hhh | Cervical Cancer | Oral Sex

The aim of this study is to present the evolution of cervical cancer in Bucharest, based on incidence, prevalence and mortality routine statistics, in the context of the health programs unfolded by the authorities or by other parties as corporate social responsibility CRS factors.

human papillomavirus prevention methods

Materials and method. This is a correlation between a study and review of the latest literature using data human papillomavirus prevention methods on cervical paraziti intestinali usturoi and the prevalence of its risk factors.

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In Bucharest, it was initiated an awareness program for female population, and virus papiloma en la boca imageneswith the Government support, there was initiated a vaccination program against HPV, but the vaccination rate was under expectations.

All these efforts in terms of public funds and the cured persons mobilization did not succeed to change the incidence and the mortality by cervical cancer. Keywords awareness campaigns, cervical cancer, prevention Rezumat Cancerul de col uterin este una dintre principalele cauze ale deceselor care pot fi evitate în societatea noastră prin proceduri preventive.

Vaccinarea împotriva HPV şi screeningul sunt me­to­de cuprinse în planurile Ministerului Sănătăţii şi au rolul de a reduce incidenţa acestui tip de cancer.

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Scopul acestui studiu este prezentarea evoluţiei cancerului de col uterin în Bucureşti, ba­za­tă pe statisticile de rutină privind mortalitatea, incidenţa şi pre­va­lenţa, în contextul programelor de sănătate desfăşurate de autorităţi sau de alte părţi ca factor de responsabilitate so­cia­lă.

Materiale şi metodă. În Bucureşti a fost iniţiat un pro­gram de conştientizare pentru populaţia feminină, iar în anulcu sprijinul guvernului, a fost iniţiat un program de vaccinare împotriva HPV, însă rata de vaccinare a fost sub aş­tep­tă­ri­le iniţiatorilor acestui program.

Toate eforturile pri­vind mo­bi­li­za­rea acestor fonduri publice, cât şi mobilizarea per­soa­ne­lor vin­de­ca­te nu au reuşit însă să schimbe ratele incidenţei şi mor­ta­li­tăţii cancerului de col uterin. Cuvinte cheie campanii de conştientizare cancer de col uterin prevenţie Background Cervical cancer is one of the major causes of avoidable deaths in human papillomavirus prevention methods society.

Sinonimele și antonimele HPV în dicționarul de sinonime Engleză

However, more thannew cases and more human papillomavirus prevention methods occur worldwide every year, according to Globocan 1. Cervical cancer is the second cause of cancer in women, after breast cancer In Romania, the importance of this public health problem human papillomavirus prevention methods huge, cervical cancer being responsible for new cases of disease and around deaths every year, with an incidence and mortality rate higher than global average The disparities are even larger compared to WHO European Region, where cervical cancer is the fifth cause of incidence Figure 1 According to what we know, cervical cancer can be prevented or cured if the diagnose is established in an early stage.

Cytology screening every three to five years can prevent up to four out of five cases of cervical cancer, but such benefits can only be achieved if screening is provided in organized, population-based programs and with quality assurance at all levels. Materials and method This study is a review of the evolution of cervical cancer in Bucharest the capital of Romania on the background of the preventive interventions meant to create awareness among female population.

Înțelesul "HPV" în dicționarul Engleză

Many awareness campaigns were developed in Bucharest, targeting especially human papillomavirus prevention methods adult female population, but also the young girls. These interventions presented the magnitude of cervical cancer impact on the personal health, the potential to avoid or to cure this disease in certain conditions, and the individual choices to keep the reproductive health for a female.

They were financed part by the Ministry of Health, part by the economic sector as part of the corporate social responsibility CSR. Ina vaccination program against Human Papillomavirus was started with the Government supportbut the vaccination rate was much lower than expected.

Furthermore, during all these years, a screening program for cervical cancer was also financed by the Government, but unfortunately human papillomavirus prevention methods program was opportunistic, not population based.

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Figure 2 All these efforts in terms of public funds and health providers mobilization did not succeed to change the incidence and the mortality by cervical cancer. The lowest number of deaths due to cervix cancer was registered in and there has been a steady small increase ever since.

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Cervix cancer seemed to be a more serious burden of death in fertile women Figure 3. Figure 3 The number of women in Romania was higher human papillomavirus prevention methods that of men in In Romania, inthere were registered 19 million people with stable residence in the country. Of this total, women were 9.

human papillomavirus prevention methods

Thus, inthe female population represented Today there arewomen living in the capital, less than in when more than a million women lived here 3. The role of the midwife or nurse in the relationship with the patient The role of the nurse is to help people in a state of illness to maintain and regain their health by performing the duties they could have performed alone if they had the strength, determination and useful human papillomavirus prevention methods.

The medical assistant must perform his functions in order to help the patient overcome the deadlock and regain his independence according to the affected need. These functions can be of an independent nature when assisting the patient on his own initiative through comfort care, depending on the physical or mental illness, social status, age, problems that he cannot handle himself; establishes trusting relationships with the patient and caregivers, listens to the patient and tries to support him by providing useful information.

Figure 4. Breakdown by sex and sector in Bucharest in The health education that the nurse gives to the patients is about signs that may appear in the evolution of the beginning phases or during the evolution of the disease, these having an important role and the patients must know about them.

These signs in particular are important for patients from papilloma on tongue pictures areas or for patients who do not regularly attend medical investigations and who must recognize a serious condition in order to benefit from urgent medical care.

As methods of educating the female population, the nurse instructs them to recognize the following signs and symptoms: leukorrhea, which in cancer is present and usually occurs before bleeding, and which may have the appearance of a flesh wash human papillomavirus prevention methods characteristic odor.

We, the nurses, inform the patient that the pain in advanced forms of cancer can be intermittent or continuous and may manifest as a tension or embarrassment in the lower abdomen accompanied by fever, nausea and even vomiting.

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Other signs that may appear are bleeding, which, depending on the tumor, have specific characteristics. In cervical cancer, more precisely, it is represented by reduced bleeding quantitatively at sexual contact or after intravaginal washes. Other manifestations in neoplasms human papillomavirus prevention methods weight loss, polakiuria, dysuria and nocturia, and in ovarian and uterine cancer, intestinal colic, rectal tenesmus and constipation.

  1. HPV - Definiția și sinonimele HPV în dicționarul Engleză
  2. Papilloma virus uomini sintomi
  3. hhh | Cervical Cancer | Oral Sex

Interventions of the midwife or nurse in the cervical cancer patient The nurse advises the patient to come periodically to the gynecological check-up for an early detection of the disease.

Table 1. The nurse provides postoperative surveillance to prevent complications.