Traducere "anafilaxie Tulburări endocrine Hipotiroidism" în engleză

Endocrine cancer syndrome, Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric, 2-Volume Set


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    Patients with severe stage obesity are at high risk of cardiovascular complications, endocrine disordersand cancer. Pacienţii cu tulburări endocrine sunt mai predispuşi la apariţia lizei epifizelor.

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    Patients with endocrinological disorders are more prone to develop an epiphysiolysis. Hormonul teste pentru a căuta tulburări endocrine Hormone assays to look for endocrine disorders anumite tulburări endocrine decompensate de exemplu în hipotiroidie şi insuficienţă hipofizară certain uncompensated endocrine disorders e.

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    This condition is medically referred to as hyperadrenocorticism, and it is one of the most endocrine cancer syndrome endocrine disorders to affect dogs. It is worthwhile to have these tests performed on your dog, because any endocrine disorders related to insulin dysfunction will also be established, should they be present.

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    Formă de depozit de glucoză, glicogen se acumuleaza in celule hepatice din cauza suprasolicitarea medicamente cu steroizi, o supraproductie de steroizi în organism, sau din cauza unei tulburări endocrine EXEMPLU, hiperadrenocorticism, atipice hiperplazie suprarenala.

    The storage form of glucose, glycogen accumulates in liver cells because of steroid medication overuse, an overproduction of steroids in the body, or due to an endocrine disorder e.

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    Member States shall request the submission of further studies to address the potential endocrine disrupting endocrine cancer syndrome of procymidone within two years after the adoption of the Test Guidelines on endocrine disruption by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD.