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Renal cancer ribbon color

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The journal was founded by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova in Sincethe Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy has become the co-publisher of this journal.

The journal publishes official papers as well as independently submitted scientific articles, editorials, clinical studies and cases, lectures, methodological guides, reviews, brief reports and correspondences.

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Revista Curierul medical Este o revist tiinifico-practic acreditat de Consiliul Naional de Acreditare i Atestare certificat de nregistrare de Stat nr. Revista a fost fondat de ctre Ministerul Sntii al Republicii Moldova n anul Revista public comunicri oficiale i, totodat, sunt editate diverse publicaii, inclusiv independente: articole tiinifice, editoriale, cercetri i prezentri de cazuri clinice, prelegeri, ndrumri metodice, articole de sintez, relatri scurte, corespondene i recenzii.

Address of Editorial Office Bd.

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Lpuneanu, 2 Tel. All articles are doubleblind peer is hpv cancer cells by 2 independent experts.

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renal cancer ribbon color Articles must be sent electronically with a cover letter written to Editor-in-Chief, Boris Topor, MD, PhD, Professor, from the author who is responsible for correspondence. The letter should contain a statement saying that the manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors and that the article has not been previously published.

Articles from countries outside of the Republic of Moldova are published at the price of 40 per page in the journal pages of the manuscript sent by the authorincluding tables and figures.

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If revisions are necessary, an additional fee will be applied, depending on the volume of corrections. The authors are responsible for the content of the articles. Papers describing research involving animal or human subjects should state in the cover letter that rules of work with animals were respected and informed consent was obtained from the patients and approval was obtained from the designated board of the institution involved.

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Potential conflict of interest should be acknowledged by all authors and editorial reviewers. If such conflict is recognized, the reviewer will be excluded from the review process and another assigned. Papers must be executed in the following manner: 1. Manuscripts should be typed on format A4, 1.

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The title page renal cancer ribbon color include the first and last names of all authors, their academic degrees, the name of the department and institution from which the paper originated, phone number and e-mail. The abstracts should be included on the title page in English and Russian, and be words long. Renal cancer ribbon color should end with 3 to 6 key words.

The text of clinical or experimental articles less than 16 pages long should consist of: an Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions renal cancer ribbon color no more than 40 References. However, review articles must not exceed 25 pages and contain no more than references. Tables and figures must be typed, numbered consecutively with explanatory text. Figures that need to show comparison or emphasize details will be published in color. If colored figures are necessary, the author must pay an additional fee of 95 per page figures on a page.

References are listed in order of appearance in the text, and the appropriate numbers are inserted in the text in [square brackets] at the proper places.

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References must follow the general arrangement outlined in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Toate articolele sunt ndreptate pentru recenzare la 2 experi independeni.

La comanda in aproximativ 4 saptamani lei This text was created to give trainees, practitioners, allied professionals, and researchers a repository of dependable information and images to base their use of CMR on.

Articolele se expediaz prin pota electronic, n adresa redactorului-ef Boris Topor, dr. Scrisoarea va confirma faptul c toi autorii sunt de acord cu coninutul articolului i c articolul dat nu a fost publicat anterior. Articolele de peste hotarele Republicii Moldova sunt publicate la preul de 40 pagina pagini de manuscris, inclusiv tabelele i imaginile. Pentru redactare este stabilit plata de pentru un articol, n renal cancer ribbon color de volumul rectificrilor.

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Pentru coninutul articolelor sunt responsabili autorii. Dac n articol sunt prezentate date despre rezultatele cercetrilor efectuate pe oameni sau animale, este necesar ca n renal cancer ribbon color de nsoire s se indice, c au fost respectate regulile de rigoare n privina experienelor efectuate pe animale sau a fost obinut acordul pacienilor i permisiunea administraiei instituiei.

Dac conflictul se confirm, persoanele cointeresate se exclud din procesul de evaluare a articolului i se numete un nou expert. Articolele s respecte urmtoarea structur: 1.

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Foaia de titlu conine prenumele i numele autorilor, titlul i gradul tiinific, instituia, numrul de telefon i adresa electronic a autorului renal cancer ribbon color. Rezumatele n limba renal cancer ribbon color i rus cuvinte se prezint consecutiv pe foaia de titlu, inclusiv cuvinte-cheie, de la 3 pn la 6.

Textul articolelor clinice, experimentale pn la 15 pagini cuprinde: Introducere; Material i metode; Rezultate obinute; Discuii; Concluzii i Bibliografie pn la 40 de referine. Alt structur se accept, dac aceasta corespunde coninutului materialului. Articolele de sintez nu vor depi 25 de pagini i bibliografia pn la de surse. Tabelele i figurile trebuie s fie enumerate i nsoite de legend. Figurile care necesit contrastare sau evidenierea detaliilor sunt executate color.

Life-Changing Renal Cancer Diagnosis: Nancy Whitley’s Story

Figurile color se public din sursele autorului 95figuri pe pagin. Referinele, n conformitate cu cerinele International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, se expun n ordinea apariiei n text. Address of the Journal Office Adresa redaciei Bd.

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Akhtemiychuk, Ye. Ruda, G. Stepanyuk, O. Gaina, R.

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Shatilov, N. Tsubanova, S. Calaras, V. Botnaru, O. Matraguna, O. Erohina, O. Gurduza, S. Cojocari, L. Bichir-Thoreac, L. Placinta, P. Paveliuc, T. Mincu, D. Textbook Managament of perioperative pain. Author: Adrian Belii Monografie Hepatoprotectoare entomologice.

Autor: Nicolae Bacinschi Manuscript received October 23, ; revised December 15, Abstract Tumor cell energy metabolism is often invoked as marker of aggressiveness and resistance in the study of cancer. Warburg was the first researcher to propose the high consumption of glucose and reduction of tumor cell oxidative metabolism as prominent feature of cancer cells.

In clinical practice, this feature is renal cancer ribbon color in PET imaging positron emission tomography to visualize the 2-FDG antimetabolite enhancing lesions. In reality, not all tumors are characterized by high levels of glycolysis. To highlight certain features affected by glucose and energy, four types of cancer stem cells CSCs were isolated from the third degree of malignancy gliomas anaplastic glioma, WHO, World Health Organization.

Thus, the energy status of cancer stem cells lines derived from gliomas is inversely correlated to proliferation in vitro. Glucose dependency varied considerably among the four renal cancer ribbon color of glioma stem cells. In one case, NADH levels were maintained in the absence of glucose by substitution with glutamine. DCA dichloroacetat is an energy modulator acting as a mitochondrial function stimulator. In our experiments, DCA could stimulate NADH production, showing the possibility of mitochondrial function recovery in glioma cancer stem cells.

renal cancer ribbon color

Key words: cancer, glioma stem cells, tumor cell energy metabolism. Introduction Gliomas are represented by a heterogeneous group of tumors and made up essentially by two main populations of glial cells: oligodendrocytes and astrocytes.

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Cancer stem cells can be isolated from particular tumors and are thought to be the cause of chemo- and radiotherapy resistance and tumor relapse. The main data concerning tumoral in vivo energetic metabolism derives from spectroscopic imagistic data SPET positron emission tomography utilizing 2-FDG fluoro-deoxy-D-glucose and methyonine as a tracer [2, 3, 4]. Based on these results, it was widely recognized that some cancer cell types show enhanced glycolysis levels [1, 10].