Fișier:Papilloma Virus (HPV) - Wikipedia

Papillomavirus infection papilloma


About 6 million pa- tients with cancer die every year worldwide.

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In recent years, the rate of cancer detection has raised up because of progression in diagnostic technologies 1. Gynecological malignancy involving vaginal cancer is uncommon and the most victims are reported from developing countries 2.

There are different risk factors including smoking, poor hygiene, high parity, intimating with several sexual partners, in utero exposed diethylstilbestrol, immu- nodeficiency, papillomavirus infection papillomavirus infection papilloma warts and sexually transmitted Human Papilloma Virus HPV that predispose vaginal cancer.

Human papilloma virus HPV infection Infectarea cu virusul uman papilloma HPV This papillomavirus infection papilloma in particular seasonal influenza, childhood vaccination and human papilloma virus HPV [financing mechanism: Call for proposals and workshops] Acestea se referă în special la gripa sezonieră, vaccinarea copiilor și virusul papiloma uman HPV [Mecanismul de finanțare: Cerere de propuneri și ateliere] Cervical cancer is caused by high-risk types of the Human Papilloma Virus HPV. Infection by human papilloma virus plays an important role in the development of genetic changes that initiate cancer development.

The condom does not prevent the transmis- sion of HPVs; because the HPVs are able to transmit throughout genital skin to skin contact. The HPV not only in women but also in men may cause genital cancers.

What is HPV?

The virus is ubiquitous and can be isolated from different papillomavirus infection papilloma races and animals 9. The earlier recognition of vaginal cancer was introduced in by Meigs and Graham. However, the illustration of primary vaginal cancer was achieved by Cruveilhier in 19th century.

  • Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, virusul papilomavirus uman HPV dispare de la sine, în mod spontan.
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This type of papillomavirus infection papilloma is often known as the secondary gynecological disease which may occur in the consequence of papillomavirus infection papilloma from cancerous anus, cervix, colon, endometrium, ovary, rectum and vulva in women. Thus, the primary form of vaginal cancer is rare 6,10, There are different types of primary vaginal cancers Table 1 The previous reports show that squamous cell carci- noma ranks as the most prevalent vaginal cancer with the percentage of about The majority of squamous cell carcinoma is in association with HPV 6.

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The average age of mortality for patients with vaginal cancer is recorded about 65 years old 6, There is a papillomavirus infection papilloma associa- tion between HPV and cervico-vaginal cancer. In utero contact diethylstilbestrol is the predominant cause of vaginal cancers of melanoma and adenocarcinoma 3,6, HPV family includes more than carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic types.

  • (PDF) Vaginal cancers and human papilloma virus
  • Department of Ophthalmology, Grigore T.
  • papilloma - Traducere în română - exemple în engleză | Reverso Context
  • Hepatocellular cancer of the liver
  • La nivelul zonelor supuse fricţiunii mâna predomina aspectul ferm și nodular, iar la nivelul zonelor umede sau ascunse, nevii tind să devină moi și polipoizi 8.
  • Intraductal papillomas

HPVs have papillomavirus infection papilloma tropism to human mucosal and moist membranes and skin. The low risk carcinogenic types of HPVs are important causative agent for viral warts such as genital warts Table 2 3,9, The aim of this article is to review the subtitle of vaginal cancer staging, epidemiology of HPV vaginal cancers, viral characteristics and pathogenesis of HPV vaginal cancers, clinical demonstrations of HPV vaginal cancers diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

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