Update Gastric Cancer

Gastric cancer guidelines, MAPS II: updated guidelines for preneoplastic gastric lesions

Termenul de gastrită face referire, de cele mai multe ori, la simptomele dispeptice, definite ca și tulburări ale tractului gastrointestinal superior 2 : greață, arsuri epigastrice, dureri abdominale, eructații, pirozis, meteorism. Nu există o corelaţie sau superpoziţie între simptome şi datele endoscopice şi morfopatologice.

Abstract Cancer is now a major public health problem by the size of the human, medical, economical and social implications as well as in industrialized and also in developing countries. Gastric cancer is a neoplasia with a starting point in gastric mucosa, representing one of the most common malignant visceral locations, being on the gastric cancer guidelines most common after lung neoplasm.

The aim is to highlight the incidence of gastric cancer in Emergency Municipal Hospital in Moinesti in relation with certain gastric cancer guidelines age, sex, area of origin, personal habits, personal and family pathological history for a period of eleven years.

Ce este limfadenectomia D2? Distincia ntre D1 i D2? Problema 1 staia II mprirea pe grupe este realizat n concordan cu localizarea tumorii gastrice. Rmn valabile precizrile din cadrul articolului ganglioni N1 devin N3: gg pilorici n tumori de pol superior, respectiv gg GES n tumori de pol inferior; ganglioni N3 devin N2: gg venei mezenterice superioare n cancerul gastric distal. Tabelul detaliat din Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma se afl pe pagina urmtoare.

Material and methods: The study has been conducted on a period of eleven years and it included 77 patients with gastric cancer. The following parameters were evaluated: age, sex, area of origin, personal habits, personal and family pathological history.

Cancerul gastric - abordare diagnostică şi terapeutică în echipă. Rolul medicului de familie

Results: Distribution by years gastric cancer guidelines study revealed that most of the cases were in 19 patients. Conclusion: The profile of patient with gastric cancer was contoured: male, over 60 years, from rural areas, smoker and with a personal history of stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Author Biographies L. Angelescu N. Tumori gastrice.

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Laparoscopic solution for early gastric cancer in a morbidly obese patient. Obes Surg.

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  2. Cancer de faringe sinais e sintomas
  3. Update Gastric Cancer
  4. Cancerul gastric - abordare diagnostică şi terapeutică în echipă. Rolul medicului de familie

Locul chirurgiei în tratamentul complex al can-cerului gastric. Revista Chirurgia Bucuresti98 5 : 9.

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Cabebe C. Gastric Cancer.

MAPS II: updated guidelines for preneoplastic gastric lesions

Nomura A. Stomach Cancer.

  • MAPS II: updated guidelines for preneoplastic gastric lesions
  • Rolul medicului de familie Gastric cancer - diagnostic and therapeutic team approach.

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Update Gastric Cancer

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