
Peritoneal cancer incidence, V-ar putea interesa


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    Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int ; 16 2 :Apr. Increasing evidence showed peritoneal cancer incidence a periadventiceal dissection of the SMA with early transection of the inflow during pancreaticoduodenectomy associates better early perioperative results, and setup the scene for long-term oncological benefits.

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    Peritoneal cancer incidence objectives of the current study are to compare the operative results and long-term oncological outcomes of SMA first approach pancreaticoduodenectomy SMA-PD with standard pancreaticoduodenectomy S-PD.

    The SMA-PD was associated with less intraoperative bleeding, less blood transfusions and higher rate of associated venous resections. The pancreatic fistula and delayed gastric emptying had a significantly lower rate in the SMA-PD group.

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    There were no differences between the two approaches regarding overall complications, major complication rates and in-hospital mortality. There was no difference regarding R0 resection rate, and one- two- or three-year overall survival.

    Although the one- two- or three-year overall survival rate is not superior, the SMA-PD has a lower local and metastatic recurrence rate.

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